Monday, August 15, 2011

Wine Soaps For the Fair

I mixed up 5 batches of wine soaps for the fair yesterday.  I am cutting them today.  Two batches each of Merlot soap and Riesling soap will be cut into large 6 ounce bars and one batch of Pinot Noir will be cut into small 1.4 ounce soaps for the gift boxes.  I only made a small batch of the Pinot Noir when I made the gift box soaps earlier.  I decided that I did indead nead the sixth variety to make the variety box and so I needed more Pinot Noir.  The soaps should be ready to unmold now. Let's see.

Here they are all wrapped up and cozy.

Time to wake up!

Here is the Pinot Noir.

The top shows the pattern of the poor.  I think it looks cool after it is sliced.  Some people cut this part off, but I don't like to waste soap just so that it is perfectly square.

I turned it on it's side because it is still a little soft for cutting.  They stay very warm in the towels.  I let them sit like this to get firmer before slicing if they are not firm enough after 24 hours in the mould.

Here is the second mold.  It is a Merlot.

The third is a Merlot, as well.

The fourth is a Riesling.

Number five is the second Riesling.  Here they all are sitting out on thier mould lids.

I will slice them later tonight.  The lick test shows that they did indead come to a complete gel and will be a wonderfully mild soap.  They need to cure and dry for a month so that they are hard enough to last in the shower. I barely have enough time before the fair.  I am cutting it close.  My Aunt is sharing a booth in the wine tasting building for her laser etching business with Dave the box guy, so we thought that wine soaps might do well.  We will also bring some etched gift boxes with assorted small wine soaps.  If nothing else we should get some oooohs and aahhhs and a few interested people to take our cards.  I am looking forward to it.